Substance Addictions and other addictions
Health professionals are beginning to understand that addictions are the result of underlying unresolved traumas.

The addiction is a means to cope and avoid the unwanted feelings. Most people go to Addiction services to stop using, but you need to know that without good trauma therapy these addictions tend to come back or change form.

I offer sessions that involve EMDR therapy combined with other self help skills that can help to resolve the addiction in your life for good.

our programmes

How we can help

At EMDR Psychology we provide tailored programmes either in person or online

Face-to-Face Session
$200 | 50 minutes

Conducted at EMDR Psychology office Papamoa, Tauranga, New Zealand
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Trauma Healing group Program

6x60 minutes weekly zoom session

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Online Session
$200 | 50 minutes

Online Sessioins are conducted via zoom remotely

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Let's talk
Have you, or someone you know been in an abusive relationship or have childhood trauma?  We are here to help. Please get in touch today.
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